For all male customers who have always wanted to completely close their penis and testicles and who don't want to miss the comfort of a Florentine style. For these customers we have developed the UNtouchAble chastity belt. There are two models of this chastity belt:


The chastity belt BASIC UntouchAble has a shapely front shield, in which penis and testicles find their place and are closed. Thus the wearing comfort is increased, since penis and testicles are not separated from each other. The front shield is equipped with urinal holes to ensure urine drainage.


The chastity belt PREMIUM UntouchAble has a shapely front shield with integrated tube (diameter: 35 mm und 38 mm, inner length approx: 12.0 cm). The penis and testicles are separated from each other, the testicles lie pressure-free in the front shield. This also ensures wearing comfort.

In order to ensure unhindered urinal drainage outside the front shield, we have provided the tube with a urinal drainage hole. In the "small bussines" you can directly let out the urin. In this way the urine is directed to the outside. Urination is therefore a very "clean thing". As you are used to from us, the UNtouchAble can also be adjusted 2-fold (1,5 cm - if the dimensions allow it).

You can also combine the UNtouchAble with all crotchband versions offered to us (continuous crotchband with anus opening, ACTIV (steel cable) and chains).